At West Grey Premium Beef our family has successfully raised beef for generations. This amounts to over 100 years of hands on experience and over the last decade and a half we have extended our knowledge with our involvement in processing beef. We don’t make claims we cannot uphold and our practical experience has taught us the foundation for providing your family with the best beef.

This is how we do it:

  • Test Verified™ system was developed with advice from Professional Veterinarians and experts from the University of Guelph so you can trust that our Antibiotic Free Claims are valid.
  • On a regular basis we randomly choose meat samples to be tested by a lab at the University of Guelph to verify that our beef products have no detectable antibiotic residues.
  • Cattle are given antibiotics, when they are needed, to ensure the animals are kept healthy. Like all beef producers we ensure that the prescribed, legal withdrawal time is adhered to but our Test Verified™ protocol goes above and beyond regulations to ensure that no antibiotic residues are detected in our beef.
  • To ensure we meet our Test Verified™ goals, we monitor our cattle with feed tests and gather other information that allows us to manage any antibiotic use and ensure withdrawal times are always respected.

We ensure Food Safety by operating under the highest level of government inspection in Canada:

  • Cattle are processed and packaged in locally owned and operated federally (CFIA) inspected plants.

Cattle are raised in a healthy, humane, comfortable and content way:

  • Cattle are sourced from Ontario Family Farmers whose livelihoods depend upon keeping their cattle healthy. This takes knowhow, dedication and frequent involvement with the cattle.
  • Cattle typically spend a minimum of one season on pasture with three to six months of finishing. During finishing they are fed a balanced diet and are protected by barns that are designed with a roof and allow for access to fresh air and sunlight at all times.
  • Our cattle are our priority. We closely watch over them and check on their feed and water. Our experience growing cattle help us to make the needed adjustments to their nutrition or environment so they grow in a healthy way.
  • We use a combination of our own cattle and buy mostly local cattle for our Test Verified™ program. This means that the majority of the cattle only travel 1 – 2 hours, and never more than 6 hours, to limit stress.

Environmentally Proven - Our farms have been existing for generations and we raise our cattle in a way that is environmentally positive and responsible.

  • We use our environmentally sensitive land to grow hay crops to eliminate land erosion and we use this hay to feed our cattle.
  • We are frugal and nothing is wasted. We use the manure the cattle produce to fertilize our crops so we use less commercial fertilizer which we would have to transport from other parts of the country and world.
  • To ensure our land is healthy, we operate with a Nutrient Management Plan which means that the manure and land is tested for proper nutrients to support crops, which ensures a balance that protects the environment.
  • We consider all the tools available to make responsible decisions to protect the land and maintain the best health of our cattle. The health of our cattle is our priority so we observe them frequently and follow up to ensure their well-being.
  • We consider ourselves stewards of the land and work with the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Environment along with manure testing and soil testing to ensure we are doing a proper job of managing any environmental concerns.

Taste! We know that all this effort delivers on a great eating experience and now you can easily recognize quality beef when you see that it is Test Verified™. We feel strongly about the choices we have made to ensure the health of our cattle, the land and the safety of West Grey Premium Beef. We wouldn’t serve anything less to our family and want the same for yours.

For more information please contact West Grey Premium Beef.